Hob's Honey and Bee Rescue

I'm a backyard beekeeper that developed my passion for the hobby in 2019. Since then I've expanded into swarm collection and hive removals from unwanted locations. My goal is always to find a good home for the bees I rescue.

All Natural, Raw and Unprocessed

The honey and beeswax my family and I produce is as natural they can be. We're a small-scale operation that produces a few hundred pounds of local honey from my small apiary each year.

View Hive Products

  • Beeswax
  • Honey

Good Homes for Honeybees

Sometimes bees get into places that can cause people problems. Whether they've moved into the walls of your home, or are just clustered on a tree, I can help.

View Rescue Services

  • Swarm Collection
  • Cut-outs